Book Review—Balancing Diabetes with Pre-existing Diabetes: Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby

I don’t even remember how I first stumbled onto Cheryl Alkon’s blog, Managing the Sweetness Within a few years ago. After all, I wasn’t a type 1 diabetic, nor was I undertaking a pregnancy with diabetes. But I know why I kept coming back anyway: her humor, accessible tone, frank candor, and overall pragmatic, down to earth attitude.

I totally dug her style, and since we’ve become friends in real life since I can attest to the fact she’s that funny and refreshing in real life. When she first shared her book proposal with me, I was so excited—I could see her book on managing pregnancy with diabetes unfolding, and I knew it was a necessary resource.

I am proud to see her project come to fruition, not because she published a book (though that is a feat all by itself) but because she published such a good book. Balancing Pregnancy with Pre-existing Diabetes: Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby, which pubs this week, is a comprehensive and essential guide to planning and living through a pregnancy with diabetes.

With the meticulousness of a seasoned professional journalist (she went to Columbia Journalism, after all), Cheryl interviewed dozens (seriously, dozens) of patients with diabetes, as well as physicians and other experts, to offer hands-on advice and information. In addition to anecdotal experience, the book is crammed with well-researched facts and resources. From pre-conception blood sugar control to the intricacies of each trimester to the delivery and beyond, Cheryl covers all the bases.

What’s more, she is diligent about including multiple perspectives. Struggling with infertility in addition to diabetes? She has tons of tips and resources. Contemplating an alternative birth plan or curious if a doula might work for you? She has plenty of information on that, too.

Just need some encouragement that a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby are indeed attainable? That’s where Cheryl’s veteran experience as a type 1 diabetic and the many patients she interviewed prove so valuable. It’s one thing to hear from doctors or disease organizations what is possible, but it’s another altogether to hear from people who’ve actually walked the walk: they’ve dealt with first trimester lows, third trimester complications, and figured out the best way to deal with their insulin pumps during labor and delivery. They’ve juggled breast-feeding and fluctuating insulin needs, and know how (and when) to advocate for themselves.

But what I love is that it isn’t just about the content. Cheryl brings that same accessible, engaging tone she has on her blog to the book, evident from the opening lines of the first chapter:

“As a woman with long-term type 1 diabetes, I know this disease intimately. Reading this with type 1? Hi—you are my people. Type 1 is very-much-insulin-dependent, ain’t-going-away-with-weight-loss-or- after-the-kid-is-born diabetes. Type 1, despite what much of the mass media or well-meaning but clueless people will tell you, is a separate condition from the far more common type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes.” (p.3)

But don’t worry-this book isn’t exclusively for T1s. If you have type 2 diabetes , there is plenty of material to meet your needs, and its conversational tone makes even the most serious subject matter in the book seem less daunting.

As a writer who published a book on chronic illness in young adults because I felt there was nothing out there that addressed that audience, I really appreciate a book that fills a true void. For the many readers out there contemplating a pregnancy with diabetes or managing one right now, this is the definitive resource for you.

Happenings from Around the Medical Blogosphere

It’s been a week of just-getting-by here at A Chronic Dose, but there’s much to report from different corners of the Internet.

My colleague and diabetes blogger extraordinaire Amy Tenderich of DiabetesMine recently announced a contest that proves yet again why her site is one of the most respected and influential around:

The 2009 DiabetesMine™ Design Challenge, an online competition to encourage creative new tools for improving life with diabetes.

It’s pretty simple—if you have a great idea for a new web application or innovative new medical device to help manage diabetes, you could win a grand prize of $10,000 to help make your project a reality.

According to Amy’s site, “The contest is open for submissions from March 2, 2009, to May 1st, 2009, at 11:59 pm Pacific time. Winners will be announced on Monday, May 18th, 2009.Submissions are accepted in the form of a 2-minute video to be uploaded to the DiabetesMine YouTube channel, or a 2-3 page written “elevator pitch” plus supporting graphics, also to be uploaded online.”

For more information on rules, other prizes, and judging criteria, be sure to check out the design contect page at DiabetesMine.

As Amy says, let the innovation begin!

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Speaking of innovation, Alexandra Carmichael of Cure Together just announced the release of the first crowdsourced book on endometriosis. Endometriosis Heroes: 137 Women Share Their Experiences and Treatments is available here.

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, and sites like Cure Together and Jeanne’s Endo Blog (and many others) are working tirelessly to promote understanding and awareness.

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And lastly, innovation of another kind—an unusual perspective in today’s climate of economic woes, layoffs, and general anxiety. One of my all-time favorite voices and people in the medical community is Paul Levy, CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center here in Boston and blogger at Running a Hospital. Check out this Boston Globe column about the way Levy has approached potential layoffs at the hospital, and the amazing response from his BIDMC community. Empathy and sacrifice have replaced self-preservation at the other people’s expense, and it’s something we can all learn from, especially these days.